My Story

 That’s me, the owner of Her Ministry Limited Co.; just a wife and momma of 5, out here trying her best.

As a stay at home mom, I’ve often felt guilt over the idea that “I should be doing more.” Whether it was “I should get a job” or “I should join a ministry to help at church.” I always thought “I should be doing more!” While at the same time I felt like I couldn’t possibly do more, because I always had either a baby on my hip, or a baby on my teat. I can’t remember if it took hearing it in a message at church, or a combination of a couple messages and a good talk with my mom, that I realized I had it all wrong. The truth I’d been ignoring was that I was wasting time looking for a ministry to offer my services to, while my babies were right there waiting for me to realize that God had already given me an assignment. He called me to be the best wife and mother I could, and to raise my babies to know and love Him. What an important calling and I almost missed it!

Fast forward to now. Our family has grown so much! With prices going up as fast as my kids grow out of shoes, I wanted to find a way to contribute financially to our household without taking myself away from my children. Praise God, He made a way! I created this line of apparel as a visual reminder for ourselves, our children, and the world of who Jesus is and His heart for us. I hope you find something you like and I thank you for supporting my family, because for mommas like me…her family is Her Ministry.


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